Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Someone Was Psychic Weekly Link Round-up


Just as I was getting back in the swing of blogging, a monkey wrench has been thrown into the works. Remember my telling you that Denis had two loose screws in the metalwork holding his spine together? Well, the attention has moved from those screws to one of the rods.

Last Thursday night, Denis couldn't walk. Friday morning, he couldn't stand up. We called the Phoenix Fire Department's non-emergency number to have them take him to the hospital.

Denis was stuck in a room in the ER of a nearby hospital over the weekend. Naturally, nothing ever goes smoothly for either one of us. The surgeon who did the original surgery had moved to New York, and his replacement didn't want to take over. They found a surgeon at the Banner University Medical Center, but there wasn't a bed available. Finally, a bed opened up and he was moved at 7 PM Tuesday night.

Today is Wednesday. Denis has spoken to his surgeon. Now he not only has two loose screws but he also has a snapped rod. I have Dial-a-Ride scheduled tomorrow (Thursday) so I can spend some time with him. Hopefully, they won't be running tests on him; I'd hate to sit in an empty room instead of spending time with Denis!

Last Friday as Denis was being loaded into the ambulance, the mail was delivered. 

Somehow, a friend knew that I would need a bit of cheering up. Bless you, friend!

I hope everything is going well with all of you. If not, consider yourself hugged. As far as that goes, consider yourself hugged even if everything is peachy keen in your world (and I hope it is). Enjoy the links!

Books & Other Interesting Tidbits

►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄

►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett◄
  • Why cats love to knock things over.
  • A study has found that the incredible arm dexterity of an octopus comes from a segmented nervous system.
  • Why do dogs wag their tails?
  • Squirrels are displaying "widespread carnivorous behavior" for the first time in a California park.
  • As cities get warmer, rat populations are on the rise.
  • What did scientists learn after thousands of penguins were slaughtered by mountain lions?
  • Can Olney, Illinois's protections for albino squirrels inspire other cities to guard wildlife against cats? I hope so. (And I'm well-acquainted with Olney's white squirrels.)

►The Wanderer◄
  • Meet the caretakers of Sealand, the world's most stubborn micronation.
  • Atlantic City: Crime fiction on the boardwalk.
  • Se the beauty of Alaska with 15 images from the Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest.
  • Antarctica's first-ever amber fossil sheds light on the dinosaur-era rainforest that covered the South Pole 90 million years ago.
  • See photos of the world's largest coral, newly discovered by scientists in the Pacific Ocean.
  • How all 50 states got their names.

►Fascinating Folk◄
  • The life and times of Gaston Means, one of the greatest rogues in American history.
  • Harriet Tubman just became a one-star general more than 150 years after serving with the Union Army.
  • Chimney sweeps and the turn against child labor.
  • Could "Rosie the Riveter" be Chinese-American?
  • Jacquie Pham on historical fiction, colonialism, and "the many imbalances that wealth, gender, and power wield."
  • Norma Gabler, the woman whose crusade gave today's book-banning moms a blueprint.
  • Watch Martha Stewart try to keep a straight face while making tacos with Robin Williams.

►I ♥ Lists

That's all for this week! No matter how busy you may be, don't forget that quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. Oh, no!! I am so sorry to hear about all of this, Cathy! I'm truly hoping Denis will get the treatment he needs, and that all will be well. I'm glad you got that lovely care package from your friend, and I'm wishing the best for you. I hope you'll update us when you get a minute.

    1. The hospital Denis is in now is ranked #2 in the entire state (only the Mayo Clinic is ranked higher). In comparing it to the hospital he was in for the first back surgery, the words "chalk" and "cheese" were used by my lovable Brit.

      When I visited him yesterday, I had a chance to talk with one of his doctors, and I was very impressed, and I have to say that, although the surgeon's proposed plans are much more extensive/intensive that what was done at the other hospital, they make a lot of sense to me.

      Denis has been ordering necessities from Amazon, so I'll be boarding Dial-a-Ride again tomorrow to take them to him (along with a few of my own).

  2. I’m very sorry to learn of Denis’s trouble, it’s awful that he’s had to wait so long for treatment. I hope things are resolved very soon and he recovers quickly.

  3. Oh, Cathy! I'm so sorry about Denis's back issues. Hope the new surgeon can figure out what to do to get him on his feet. You take care of yourself. Know that we are all thinking of you guys.

    1. Thank you, Kay. All good thoughts appreciated.

  4. I'm very sorry that Denis is going through another round of medical issues! Praying for both of you to get through this well and quickly.


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