Tuesday, September 17, 2024

While Miz Kittling Knits: Will Trent


Today's completed knitting project will have you thinking I've lost the plot. I knitted myself a lap blanket, and I'm using it now... during the hottest recorded summer Phoenix has ever known.

I can see y'all shaking your heads.

But, but, but... I need it!

You faithful readers know that I've been having a lot of problems with my leg. The amount of drainage from it often means that the compression bandaging is damp. Denis is the resident furnace, so in addition to the air conditioning, we have a large box fan sitting on the floor to help keep him cool. No matter how I try to keep that fan pointed solely at him, I still get enough cool air to turn my leg and its oftentimes damp bandaging into a mini evaporative cooler. While Denis is Mr. Furnace, I'm Mrs. Freeze. I do not like being cold; hence, the lap blanket to drape over that leg when needed. Here it is:

Thought I'd let you take a peek at my knitting basket.

Closeup of pattern and yarn

I found the pattern on Etsy from Daisy Gray Knits. It's called "Easy Baby Blanket" but I adapted the size for a lap blanket. I used US size 10 circular needles and Lion Brand Homespun yarn in "Mixed Berries." I have to admit that this is the first time I've been disappointed with Homespun yarn ordered online. I don't particularly care for the colors, but it does look nice on my recliner, doesn't it?

What was I watching while my needles were clicking away?

I've been aware of Karin Slaughter's Will Trent series for quite some time, but since I wasn't overly impressed with one of her standalones, I was in no hurry to read this series. I've also been aware of the ABC series based on Slaughter's books, but it took me until the start of season two before I decided to sample it. I'm glad I did because I wound up wanting to binge watch it. As I just said, Will Trent is broadcast on ABC, but I watched it on Hulu.

Here's a brief synopsis: "Special Agent Will Trent was abandoned at birth and endured a harsh coming-of-age in Atlanta's overwhelmed foster care system. Determined to make sure no one feels as he did, he now has the highest clearance rate in the Georgia Bureau of Investigation."

The stories are engaging, the characters are complex, and I've enjoyed watching their backstories being filled in. I like stories concerning people who have all these reasons to be "wounded" or "less than" but despite everything, despite all that negative baggage, they find what they're good at, and they excel.
And the bonus in Will Trent? His dog, Betty. I always look forward to her scenes in each episode. I know. Sometimes, I'm a soft touch.
Have you seen Will Trent? Inquiring minds would love to know!


  1. The blanket matches the recliner color, so that works at first look, although if you don't like the colors, it's still a necessity in the complicated temperature situation in your house. I have not watched Will Trent as he looked a bit strange on some TV ads, but since there is a dog on the show, I'll give it another look on Hulu.

    1. Well... Will would be a bit strange with the childhood that he had. The unfolding of his backstory really adds depth and understanding to his character.

  2. I love the colors of that blanket, Cathy! And whatever keeps you comfortable is what you need to do, no matter what the temperature is outside. I've not seen Will Trent before, although I know of the book series. It sounds like it's done well, though, and of course, the dog is an added bonus!

    1. I think I'm not the only soft touch when it comes to animals.

    2. You are in good company on being pro-animal, pro-dog. I read the fabulous "Lessons in Chemistry" because this blog told me about Six-Thirty, the wonderdog, and Peggy Rothschild's "A Deadly Bone to Pick," and "Playing Dead," the latter having so many dogs it was hard to keep track.

    3. Put me in a room filled with puppies, and I think I'm in heaven.

    4. Me, too. I still remember my father taking me to a kennel and putting me in a huge box with black cocker spaniel puppies and I got to pick one. I was in heaven. We couldn't keep him for long, so that was my first loss. I still perk up when I see cocker spaniels, but also any dogs in my building.

  3. I agree that the colors of the blanket are very nice. Glad it helps keep your leg a little warmer. Will Trent - one of my favorite characters. I've read most of the books in the series, but I think I've got 2 or 3 to catch up. We have watched the Will Trent series and look forward to seeing it again when regular TV starts the fall seasons. I told my husband that I enjoy the TV characters and series, but I will say that it does not necessarily follow the books. Several of the characters are a bit (or more than a bit different). One of those that I just have to disconnect in my head and consider them 'two different people' - make sense? LOL

    1. Makes perfect sense to me. I've done that disconnect thing many times in order not to compare a TV series to the books it was adapted from.

  4. What a beautiful blanket! I'll be on the lookout for the Will Trent series.

  5. The blanket looks lovely and warm - and I often need one also because I tend to be cold faster than many people.

    I've read several of the Will Trent mysteries, but it's been a while. Slaughter's writing is very dark, and I haven't been in the right mood to go back to her series. I appreciated the back story for his character, and the present-day aftereffects his history brings to the books.

    1. I've found that I have to take my "dark" in small doses.


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