Sunday, September 08, 2024

On My Radar: Craig Johnson's Tooth and Claw!


My faithful readers know that I am a longtime Craig Johnson fan. From his very first Walt Longmire mystery, I was hooked. I have signed, first editions of all his books. I've met and talked with him several times when he's appeared at The Poisoned Pen. Yep. I'm a fan girl. So it's always a Red Letter Day when I learn that he's got a new book coming out.

Let me tell you more about it!

Available November 19, 2024!


"Tooth and Claw follows Walt and Henry up to Alaska as they look for work after they both returned from serving in Vietnam. While working for an oil company in the bitter cold of winter, they soon encounter a ferocious polar bear who seems hell-bent on their destruction. But it’s not too long until they realize the danger does not lurk outside in the frozen Alaskan tundra, but with their co-workers who are after priceless treasure and will stop at nothing to get it."

I don't know about you, but I enjoyed the look we had of the young Walt and Henry in First Frost, so I'm looking forward to Tooth and Claw. And that cover? Wow! I can hear that polar bear roar, and I feel as though I just missed being swiped to ribbons by those claws!


  1. This one is on my radar too, Cathy. Johnson writes such a good story, and I've come to really like Walt Longmire and the other characters in those books. This is going to be a good 'un, I think!

  2. Yay for a new book coming out from such a favorite author. :D

    1. That always calls for a celebration, doesn't it? :-)

  3. Well, you know I'm ready for a new Longmire book, especially a near "origin story" like this one. Sounds like a lot of fun.

  4. I agree with the anticipation for this one, and with the appreciation of that cover - very powerful!

    1. That polar bear still makes me nervous every time I look at it!


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