Tuesday, June 25, 2024

July 2024 New Mystery Releases!

I decided to get up bright and early (which is saying something since I usually don't go to bed until 3 or 4 AM) to get some chores done. Now that they're done, I decided to move onto blog posts, and what better way to spend a quiet morning than talking about brand-new books to read?

While I'm waiting to get my hair cut, I'm going to share my picks for the best new crime fiction being released throughout the month of July.

I've grouped them according to their release dates, and the covers and synopses are courtesy of Amazon.

Let's see if I can add a title or two to your own Need To Read lists!

=== July 1 ===

Title: Mary's Place
Standalone novel set in 1980s Kansas
330 pages
*Upcoming review on Kittling: Books.
Synopsis: "Iron and Mary Barrett’s farming family is rural royalty, their success symbolized by a magnificent three-story house, Mary’s Place. Years in the building, the house is a testament to Mary’s grit and organizational abilities. But when bank examiners apply new ratings for agricultural loans in the 1980s, the family’s belief that its prosperity is a natural outcome of hard work is sent reeling.

Bank president J.C. Espy had never done anything crooked in his life until the FDIC changed the rules for agricultural loans. After becoming desperate to save his hundred-year-old bank, he worries that his resulting choice will cause his friend Iron to lose his land. Frantically J.C. works to convince Iron he will lose everything if he doesn’t comply with the new standards. In the meantime, both Iron and J.C. must negotiate with sons who have contempt for their fathers’ old-fashioned values. While Iron agonizes, Mary maneuvers to keep the family together and save the farm.

Mary’s Place is an unforgettable tribute to the rural families who weathered one of the worst agricultural disasters in American history.

=== July 2 ===

Title: Death in a Lonely Place
Author: Stig Abell
Series: #2 in the Jake Jackson (former police officer) series set in rural England. 
352 pages

*Upcoming review on Kittling: Books.

Synopsis: "Former London detective Jake Jackson—introduced in the acclaimed mystery Death Under a Little Sky—finds his new life in the country threatened by an old case from the past in this absorbing mystery that will challenge readers’ detective skills.

In a quiet village, a storm is brewing . . .

Detective Jake Jackson left London for a quiet life in Caelum Parvum. The idyllic country village offers the peace he craves—tending to his chickens, swimming in his lake, and spending long, lazy evenings with his new love, Livia. It’s the perfect setting for their relationship to blossom.

Then a case from the past re-emerges, shattering the calm and plunging Jake into the shadowy world of No Taboo—a clandestine group which serves the extravagant whims of Britain’s elite. And when Livia accepts a position working for a powerful publishing magnate, suspicions arise about her new employer’s connection to the mysterious group.

As unseen forces manipulate those around him, Jake races to expose the deception that threatens his peaceful world. Amid the desolate beauty and seemingly friendly faces of this small, cozy community, Jake must decide who he can really trust . . . or learn just how far No Taboo will go to protect their secrets."
Title: The Quiet Woman
Series: #2 in the Nurse Florence Shaw series set in England.
208 pages
Synopsis: "Nurse Florence Shaw is baffled when a quiet patient dies in an apparent suicide pact with her husband. Can she uncover the truth behind this mysterious woman?
Title: A Refiner's Fire
Author: Donna Leon
Series: #33 in the Commissario Guido Brunetti police procedural series set in Italy.
288 pages
Synopsis: "Around one AM on an early spring morning, two teenage gangs are arrested after clashing violently in one of Venice’s squares. Commissario Claudia Griffoni, on duty that night, perhaps ill-advisedly walks the last of the boys home because his father, Dario Monforte, failed to pick him up at the Questura. Coincidentally, Guido Brunetti is asked by a wealthy friend of Vice-Questore Patta to vet Monforte for a job, triggering Brunetti’s memory that twenty years earlier Monforte had been publicly celebrated as the hero of a devastating bombing of the Italian military compound in Iraq. Yet Monforte had never been awarded a medal either by the Carabinieri, his service branch, or by the Italian government.

That seeming contradiction, and the brutal attack on one of Brunetti’s colleagues, Enzo Bocchese, by a possible gang member, concentrate Brunetti’s attentions. Surprisingly empowered by Patta, supported by Signorina Elettra’s extraordinary research abilities and by his wife, Paola’s, empathy, Brunetti, with Griffoni, gradually discovers the sordid hypocrisy surrounding Monforte’s past, culminating in a fiery meeting of two gangs and a final opportunity for redemption.

A Refiner’s Fire is Donna Leon at her very best: an elegant, sophisticated storyteller whose indelible characters become richer with each book, and who constantly explores the ambiguity between moral and legal justice.

=== July 16 ===

Title: Pentimento Mori
Author: Valeria Corciolani
Series: #1 in the art historian Edna Silvera series set in Italy.
244 pages
*Upcoming review on Kittling: Books.
Synopsis: "Pentimento Mori is the first book in the Edna Silvera series. Renowned art historian Dr. Edna Silvera is not your typical detective. In fact, she's not a detective at all. But when she stumbles across an apparently-impossible medieval painting in the suddenly-deceased Nando Folli's junk shop, her curiosity lands her in trouble with the police and on the trail of a shadowy world no one wants to admit exists.

What transforms Pentimento Mori from a great mystery to a must-read is Corciolani's adept use of solidly-researched and uniformly-fascinating art history, ranging from the significance of colors and pigments in medieval art to why the Pope blesses people with three fingers. If you're interested in art history, you'll want to read this book. If you're not interested in art history, read this book and you will be.

Apart from being surreptitiously educational, Pentimento Mori is a fun read. Corciolani's style hits the sweet spot between cozy mysteries and more gritty fare. While there's a colorful and engaging cast of characters, lots of laughter, and limited violence, there's real tension and solid action that drives the plot. With something for everyone, Pentimento Mori has "book club choice" written all over it.

=== July 30 ===

Title: Murder at the White Palace
Series: #6 n the Sparks & Bainbridge historical series set in England.
320 pages
*Upcoming review on Kittling: Books.
Synopsis: "In the immediate post-war days of London, two unlikely partners have undertaken an even more unlikely, if necessary, business venture―The Right Sort Marriage Bureau. The two partners are Miss Iris Sparks, a woman with a dangerous―and never discussed―past in British intelligence and Mrs. Gwendolyn Bainbridge, a genteel war widow with a young son entangled in a complicated aristocratic family. Looking to throw a New Year’s Eve soiree for their clients, Sparks and Bainbridge scout an empty building―only to find a body contained in the walls. What they initially assume is a victim of the recent Blitz is uncovered instead to be a murder victim―stabbed several times.

To make matters worse, the owner of the building is Sparks’ beau, Archie Spelling, who has ties to a variety of enterprises on the right and wrong sides of the law, and the main investigator for the police is her ex-fiancĂ©e. Gwen, too, is dealing with her own complicated love life, as she tentatively steps back into the dating pool for the first time since her husband’s death. Murder is not something they want to add to their plates, but the murderer may be closer to home than is comfortable, and they must do all they can to protect their clients, their business and themselves

Title: Havoc
Series: #2 in the Eva "Lightning Dance" Duran police procedural series set in New Mexico.
347 pages
Synopsis: "It’s been over a year since the case that almost broke her, but when Eva “Lightning Dance” Duran is called back to duty, she doesn’t hesitate to answer. A bank robbery has left an officer down and a suspect on the run. Law enforcement is in hot pursuit, and residents are on the lookout―but before anyone can catch the criminal, tragedy strikes.

A member of the Taos Pueblo tribe has been shot and killed. The culprit? An untraceable 3D printed gun. With the support of fellow tribal cops, Eva breaks the news to the victim’s family and swears to find justice.

More violence follows, feeding the rising racial tensions between the Taos Pueblo people and the Hispanic community. New evidence forces Eva to consider the possibility that the bank robbery and 3D guns are related, but until she figures out how, there’s no telling how deep this crime ring goes…or how far its evasive ringleader will go to protect it.
There you go-- my picks for the best new crime fiction being released in July. I'm probably most excited for the books by Allison Montclair and Stig Abell. How about you? Are any of these books already on your lists? Did I tempt you to add any? Which ones? Inquiring minds would love to know!


  1. It's always great when a new Donna Leon comes out, Cathy. And Priscilla Masters is one of those authors, in my opinion, who don't get the attention they deserve. She has a great series, I think. There are a few other good 'uns in there too.

    1. I think Masters should get more attention, too, Margot.

  2. Eeks! So many books here I want to read by Leon, Whitaker, Rosenfelt and Abell and possibly more. You are amazing, getting up so early to do your posts. Thanks for this list. Look forward to the reviews.

    1. If I get everything done early, I have more time to read. ;-)

  3. I'm especially looking forward to Murder at the White Palace! Every time I see a David Rosenfelt book I am reminded I should start on that series. Maybe this will be the month...

    1. Perhaps. ;-) I'm really looking forward to Murder at the White Palace, too.

  4. I LOVE the cover of Dog Day Afternoon. So cute! And I'm very much looking forward to Linda Castillo's new one. Kate Burkholder is such a great character. I love those mysteries. :D

    1. They always seem to come up with cute covers for Rosenfelt's books, and I couldn't agree more about Kate Burkholder. She's a wonderful character.

  5. What a nice list and thanks for arising early to share it with us! My most anticipated is The Burning because I love that series. I'm also curious about the one set in Oklahoma. My maternal grandparents were from OK and I'm always interested in that area. And Havoc as well. I've got to go see if I can get the first book in that series. Thanks, Cathy!

    1. You shouldn't confuse me first thing in the morning, Kay. It takes me awhile to recover. I think you might have meant Kansas instead of Oklahoma (Mary's Place) because none of the books on my list are set in Oklahoma. And I can tell you this, I thought Mary's Place was excellent.

    2. Ummm....yes, I meant Kansas. All north of Texas. No, I did mean Mary's Place. Plus I've been thinking of reading Donis Casey's series that is set in Oklahoma again. I was talking with another group member about those books at our mystery group meeting last month. LOL

  6. More for the reading list that I'm never going to get to the end of. Well, I guess that's not such a bad thing.

    1. I've always chosen to look at it as a very good thing.

  7. I already have Abell, Castillo, and Montclair on my radar (she says with glee), but was not aware of a new Donna Leon arriving - what fun!

    1. I could swear she's had more than one book released this year.

    2. Hers is the rare series that I am actually not reading in order, so I'm not as aware of the new ones until they sneak up on me - as you see with this one.

    3. I could be hallucinating, too. It's been a rather strange day.

  8. I like the lot and by a stroke of luck I got the Leon book.


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