Thursday, June 27, 2024

An Eye-Rolling Weekly Link Round-Up


I once saw a t-shirt that read "Some Mornings It's Not Worth Chewing Through the Restraints." It still makes me laugh, probably because I occasionally have one of those days. Last week I had several of those days.

Somehow I managed to pull a few muscles around my left hip which made it agony to get on and off my scooter as well as putting a cramp in several other movements I make several times a day. I've done this before-- only on the right side (I hate to repeat myself)-- so I knew it was a matter of taking it easy on those muscles and doing all those repetitive movements another way. Mission accomplished. Now I'm back to "normal" and grateful that the human body is so adaptable.

The brutal heat has set in here which means that Denis and I will curtail our visits to outdoor venues and switch to indoor ones. We haven't made a move to go to any museums yet; I think we're both waiting for the final words from our surgeons as to what will be happening to us next.
But we don't mind staying at home. It's cool. It's comfortable. (And it's filled with books and yarn and movies!) Here's virtual hugs to you all. I hope you're all cool and comfortable, with plenty of books at hand.
Enjoy the links!

►Books & Other Interesting Tidbits◄
►Book Banning & Censorship◄


►Channeling My Inner Indiana Jones◄
►Channeling My Inner Elly May Clampett◄
►The Wanderer◄
►Fascinating Folk◄
►I ♥ Lists◄

That's all for this week! Don't forget to stop by next Friday when I'll be sharing a freshly selected batch of links for your surfing pleasure.

No matter how busy you may be, don't forget that quality Me Time curled up with a good book!


  1. Ooh, sorry to hear about the week you've had, Cathy. I'm glad your body's feeling better now, but yeesh! As I get older, I sometimes wish I'd bought the extended warranty for my body... I'm just off to visit that 17th Century home, but I'll be back!

    1. I would be quite willing to invest in an extended warranty. Too many parts seem to be malfunctioning! LOL

  2. Glad your home is cool and comfortable and that your hip muscles are feeling better. Have a great weekend! :D

  3. It's good to hear that you are back to normal after your accident. Do take care. We need you in top form!

    As always, thanks for the interesting links. I will be visiting several of them.

    1. I've been avoiding the keyboard lately and keeping my nose stuck in a book.

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better, and that you and Denis are staying cool and comfortable. Staying in the air conditioning is a priority in my vicinity as well, so I'll get some vicarious travel to the Turks and Caicos (somewhere I've never been!) to start my wanders through your links.

    1. I thought of you when I ran across that link, Kate. :-)

  5. Cathy, how annoying regarding your hip issues. Glad they are better and hope you have an enjoyable weekend. I know it's hot in your area, but also know it's not as humid. We're kind of in a wet sauna right now. Product of the Gulf moisture.

    1. I've lived in that climate, and I don't miss it one bit. Stay cool!


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